Date:  06/06/2006 09:55:47 AM Msg ID:  002967
From:  Larry Zhang Thread:  002965
Subject:  Re: How to remember a data path?
Oops, I have a better idea of Session now. Thanks again.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 06/06/2006 09:09:35 AM:
There are various techniques that you can use to "remember" information across requests from the same user.  Depending on the situation, some of these techniques are more appropriate than others.  You can find detailed information on this topic in the Session Management topic of the FoxWeb documentation.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Larry Zhang on 06/06/2006 08:38:21 AM:
I put clients' data in different folders. When a user logs on, we ask him to log onto a specific client. That will use a datapath variable to remember the folder's path. But when he switches to other pages, the datapath variable got lost. You run into an error such as "unable to open the table."
In the client selection screen (.fwx file), I did define datapath as:

Public DataPath


DataPath ="....."


How can I remember the variable, like we do with the built-in object Auth.UserID? 
Thank you.