Date:  11/02/2006 04:14:22 AM Msg ID:  003192
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  003191
Subject:  Re: Names of form variables
The Request.FormCount method is probably the fastest way to determine the existence of a specific field.  The Request.FormFieldObject method is also very light-weight and can be used in situations where you want to retrieve additional info about form fields, such as their size, or in the case of uploaded files, the file name and content type.
By the way, the whole POST data buffer is loaded in a variable before FoxWeb passes control to user scripts.  The various Request methods, such as Request.Form and Request.FormFieldObject simply extract portions of this variable, based on a start offset and the field size.
How large are the files you want to upload?  If they are too large, there may be other, more efficient ways to upload them.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jim on 11/01/2006 06:04:25 PM:
Hello all,
I am writing a file upload program that be fed very large files.  I want to check for the existence of certain form variables and their related stats (via request.formfieldobject) without having to copy the contents of the file into memory using request.form or request.formarray. 
Is it possible to get a list of form variable names without the accompanying values?


"The true measure of a career is to be able to be content, even proud that you succeeded through your own endeavors without leaving a trail of casualties in your wake."  - Allen Greenspan