Date:  09/19/2007 10:15:16 AM Msg ID:  003506
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  003504
Subject:  Re: FireFox and Foxweb
All content returned from Web servers must always specify the content type.  Internet Explorer is more forgiving than other browsers and assumes that the content type is "text/html".  Firefox, on the other hand, does not make any assumptions.  Since it does not know how to process the incoming content, it simply presents the Open/Save dialog and asks the user what they want to do with the content.

The right solution would be to modify every single script to add the content type.  If this task is too daunting, then you can do the same in fw_exit.prg, which runs after each request:

IF NOT EMPTY(html_out) AND LOWER(LEFT(html_out, 12)) <> "content-type:"
    html_out = "content-type: text/html" + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + CHR(13) + CHR(10)
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by enlai on 09/19/2007 01:34:52 AM:
I am currently using Foxweb 2.6. Most of my programmes were developed
since I started using Foxweb 1.29c. We have not changed much of the
coding of the programmes since we have upgraded our Foxweb.  
We had no problems running all our scripts and web applications developed on Foxweb in IE. Recently we have decided to switch browsers from IE to
Firefox. We started testing our web applications on Foxweb and we encounter the Firefox prompting that it is trying to open the programme which is "application/octet-stream" and asked "What should firefox do with this file?"
with options to open with/Save to Disk. We have no problems with IE.
Our programmes are still using the "html_out=Mergetxt(ReadFile(file.mrg))"
method to display response.
Tried using:
"html_out =
"Content-type: text/html"+CHR(10)+CHR(10)+MergeTxt(ReadFile('file.mrg')) 
and it worked on Firefox.  
I have hundreds of programmes
producing based on the "html_out" method, is there an easier way to overcome this issue instead of changing codes on all my programmes. 
Foxweb is currently running on NT4 with IIS4.