Date:  05/08/2008 02:09:41 PM Msg ID:  003735
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  003734
Subject:  Re: How To Share JavaScript Code
You could store your javascript code in a .js file and reference it with a <script> tag, just like you would do in a static HTML file.  The .js file will need to be located in the web tree along with images and other static files used by your application (as opposed to the FoxWeb program tree along with your FoxWebg scripts).  Also, unless you utilize the same sub-folder structure in your web and foxweb program folders, you will need to use absolute an URL to refer to the .js file in the script tag.  For details, please refer to the Including Links in FoxWeb Script Output section of the Locating and Addressing Scripts topic in the FoxWeb documentation.
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by George Gambill on 05/08/2008 01:53:14 PM:
How to share Javascript with several FWX files so I don't have to add all that code into each FWX file?