Date:  08/27/2009 01:55:11 PM Msg ID:  004006
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  004005
Subject:  Re: Encrypting Query String
There is no way to achieve what you are asking for. Form data is submitted by browsers and FoxWeb has no control over it. By definition, GET data is included in the URL in clear text.
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by irace_z28 on 08/27/2009 01:38:47 PM:
I have a form where the method attribute is set to 'get'.
When the form is submitted, I don't want user's to be able to see the variables being passed in the URL and need help hiding/encrypting it. 
I see where foxweb has the object "Server.HashMD5(cTextString)" but I don't know to apply that to the query string when the form is submitted.  
Please help.