Date:  05/31/2011 04:31:52 PM Msg ID:  004286
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  004281
Subject:  Re: Nothing showing in Channel Status
I have never seen this issue before, but it's possible that it's caused by insufficient user rights. Please send the following to
  • Screenshot of your desktop with the status window visible
  • Screenshot of the configuration page in the FoxWeb Control Center
  • A copy of the file fwstart.log. This file can be found by clicking on the Data Folder link in the FoxWeb Control Center
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Jeff Grippe on 05/31/2011 03:36:18 PM:
Back to the original question 
I added show_channels.fwx to the admin section of my web site.
It is showing all five channels while I still don't have anything in the icon on the server.
Thanks again.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/31/2011 03:13:58 PM:
There is no external script named show_channels.fwx, but you should still be able to call it, just like you would any regular script. For details, please refer to the Viewing the Status of FoxWeb Channels section in the Operating the FoxWeb Server page of the documentation (
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Jeff Grippe on 05/31/2011 02:12:38 PM:
I can't find show_channels.fwx? I searched the C drive on the computer where FoxWeb is installed.
Where should it be or where can I get it. 
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/31/2011 01:15:46 PM:
I assume you are running FoxWeb as a regular application (as opposed to a service). Are you saying that when you click on the FoxWeb icon in the notifications area, see a window titled "FoxWeb Channel Status", but the channel list in it is empty?
What happens if you call show_channels.fwx on the server? do you see a channel status then? 
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Jeff Grippe on 05/31/2011 12:34:45 PM:
I am not seeing anything in the channel status window on the server.
FoxWeb is running and the web site is working normally but I don't see anything in the channel status window.