Date:  06/06/2017 08:14:02 PM Msg ID:  004877
From:  Art Bergquist Thread:  004874
Subject:  Re: Too many instances of VFP in Task Mgr
I just e-mailed FWStart.Zip to
Let me know if you received it.
Sent by Art Bergquist on 06/05/2017 10:27:21 PM:
I see numerous repeating patterns of the following pattern:
  "<Date> <Time> Restarting Channel <Channel #>" 
Here's an example:
06/05/2017 22:25:22 Restarting Channel 1 
06/05/2017 22:25:29 Restarting Channel 2 
06/05/2017 22:25:30 Restarting Channel 3 
06/05/2017 22:25:31 Restarting Channel 4 
06/05/2017 22:25:32 Restarting Channel 5 
06/05/2017 22:25:33 Restarting Channel 6 
06/05/2017 22:25:35 Restarting Channel 7 
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 06/04/2017 11:49:37 PM:
This should not be happening. Have you examined FWStart.log? If you need help with that file, please send a copy to The easiest way to locate the file is to start the FoxWeb Control Center and click on the Data Folder button at the bottom. The file is in the AppData subfolder.
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Art Bergquist on 06/03/2017 08:46:32 PM:
On our current production server, I've got "Total channels:" on the Configuration tab of FoxWeb Control Center set to 7 and I see 7 instances of VFP (1 for each channel) in the Processes tab of Windows Task Manager.
On a new development server I'm setting up, I've got "Total channels:" on the Configuration tab of FoxWeb Control Center set to 7 but I see 23 instances of VFP in the Processes tab of Windows Task Manager.  I would have expected to see only 7 instances of VFP (1 for each channel).
Any ideas why there are more instances of VFP in the Processes tab of Windows Task Manager than the number of channels?
BTW, the current production server is running on Windows Server 2008 R2 and the new development server is running on Windows Server 2012 R2.
Art Bergquist