Date:  07/13/2019 06:54:48 AM Msg ID:  004991
From:  Martin Martin Thread:  004990
Subject:  Re: progression bar for long report
Ok got it
Problem solved
thank you 
Sent by Martin Martin on 07/11/2019 03:36:17 PM:
I try to show a progression bar for a report taking long time.
At the end of my script, I send the pdf as a response to the user like this :
M.TempFile = fwPDF.GetTempFile()
Report Form MyReports.frx Nowait Noconsole To File (M.TempFile)
M.PDFFile = "c:\temp\" + Forceext(Justfname(M.TempFile), 'pdf')
fwPDF.PS2PDF(M.TempFile, M.PDFFile, .T.)
fwPDF.SendPDF(M.PDFFile, , .T., .F., .F.) 
Is there a way to show progression and at the end send the pdf ?