Date:  10/07/2001 08:52:06 AM Msg ID:  000006
From:  Cas Nuy Thread:  000003
Subject:  Re: Authorisation object
Thanks for the very quick fix. It works ok, also for VFP 7.


Sent by FoxWeb Support Team on 10/07/2001 02:30:06 AM:
There is a known problem with FoxWeb 2.0, which causes the problem you describe in certain situations.  The next version will fix it.  On the meantime, you can download a patch from  Just unzinp the archive and replace the included files.  These files are compiled for VFP 6.  If you nead a VFP 5 version, please let us know and we will make it available.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Cas Nuy on 10/06/2001 07:43:10 AM:
I have just started to work with Foxweb and encounter a problem with the authorisation object. The returned message is "cookie"problem". I have set all the security features to low on the local intranet zone and ensured that cookies have been enabled. Still the message appears. I authorise through a table, configured as described in the documentation.
I am using Foxpro 7, windows2000 prof (sp1).
What did I miss ?