Date:  10/09/2001 11:37:42 AM Msg ID:  000009
From:  Fabiana Laufer Thread:  000009
Subject:  problems with fwconfig.exe
We have foxwex installed in our server and it works fine. Last week I saved with another name a prg to modify part of the program and reuse it (the new name is leer_admissions.prg) finally I erased it because I decided not to use it. This I saved in the programs folder inside foxweb. Suddenly several other files appeared in different folders inside the foxweb folder (libs, menus, progs) with extensions mnx, mnt, mpr and others. Now when I try to run the fwconfig.exe at the server it tries to open something related to the name admissions_app.prg which is one the files that where generated and appeared in progs inside the Foxweb folder.
I do not know what the porblem could be.