Date:  10/15/2001 02:16:49 AM Msg ID:  000025
From:  Cas Nuy Thread:  000025
Subject:  Running as aservice
During testing of the Foxweb software I have found a significant difference when i had the software running as a service.
I use List &Label version 8 to generate PDF's and to store them on the website (within VFP this programs runs without any problem).
I then incoprporated this in my foxweb application and nothing happened anymore, no pdf files and also no error messages. The output of my VFP code seems to vanish into air.
After multiple re-checks of my foxweb and VFP code, deciding that that was ok, I tried various configuration changes. I have found that the only parameter that has any effect on this operation is the "Run as service" parameter. If I run Foxweb as a service, I have no output, if i run it standard the application works smoothly.
Now my issue is clearly that if i have this running on a server, Foxweb will not run if nobody is logged on to that machine, which would not be the case when running as a service !

Is this a bug, any suggestions would be welcome.

Kind regards,

Cas Nuy