Date:  11/08/2001 06:28:51 PM Msg ID:  000103
From:  Alan Harris-Reid Thread:  000103
Subject:  HTML textbox problem
I am creating a Foxweb (although it could be any ASP-type) script file, and when putting a textbox on the form I wish to call a function within <% %> tags which will set the name, value and maxlength properties at runtime according to the table field the textbox relates to.  The HTML code is as follows:

<input type="text" size=8 <%=MyFunction() %>>

When I view the page in Internet Explorer 5.0 (SP2) (to check my design progress) it shows the textbox followed by an extra > character to the right of the textbox.  I guess this is an IE ASP-interpretation problem, because the code works correctly when the script file is executed, but it would be nice to see it correctly in IE when I am designing the page.
Is there any way around this problem?  Would there be any difference if I upgraded IE?

Another question - is there anyway in HTML code that I can control the user input of a textbox to be upper-case only?  Or can I only validate the data once I submit the form?

Any help would be appreciated.

Alan Harris-Reid