Date:  11/26/2001 12:48:29 PM Msg ID:  000164
From:  First Last Thread:  000160
Subject:  Re: Star
There are probably more efficient ways of doing this but here's the quickie answer:

finish = 5    &&-- "n" in your question
lc1 = 0       &&-- loop control 1 (outer loop)
lc2 = 0       &&-- loop control 2 (inner loop)
output = ""   &&-- HTML stream
for lc1 = 1 to finish
  for lc2 = 1 to lc1
    output = output + "*"
  output = output + "<br>"


Sent by Hokgiarto Saliem on 11/24/2001 06:24:40 PM:
How to make star ('*') in foxpro with input n.

Exc. n=5
Thank you.