Date:  12/06/2001 07:32:30 AM Msg ID:  000213
From:  Linda Swift Thread:  000208
Subject:  Re: Web page dimensions

I just realized that I skipped over your second question --

>2. Is there any way I can set minimum or maximum height and width dimensions of the browser window (rather like I can with VFP forms)?

Most professional web designers use one of three elements to design their pages:  (1) tables, (2) layers, or (3) frames. 

When you put all your web page elements into a table, then you have control over the absolute or relative size of the tables, as well as its rows and columns.  You can also align tables the same way you align text.

Layers provide more control and allow you to "put" things right where you want them, with defined dimensions, much like a page layout program. 

Frames are sometimes more desirable than either of the above, because you can define the dimension of, for example, the left and top layer, in absolute units, whereas the main main can expand or contract.  I think most nicely-designed web pages are a combination of frames and table or layers. 

Frames are the only design unit on a web page that allow you to make insert whole web pages into each unit.  Apparently, at one point layers were designed to work this way in Netscape, but IE didn't conform.  BTW, there are different ways for coding layers, <SPAN> and <DIV>.  I think there are slightly different ways that these codes display in different browsers.  Most web design programs give you a choice.

To get the hang of this, it's best to work with a page layout program like Dreamweaver, which gives you WYSIWG tools; then you can examinate the generated code to see how it works.

Actually, once you get to know all the design features available for the web, I think you'll find it has much more potential than a VFP form!
