Date:  12/11/2001 12:41:32 AM Msg ID:  000229
From:  Oleg Goncharuk Thread:  000229
Subject:  Techsell SiteManager RAD tool for FoxWeb
Recently, several forum users asked me to tell about Techsell SiteManager RAD tool for FoxWeb. Below is a brief description and links to some screenshots of the product. Further information you may get by writing to mailto://

SiteManager it is a graphical (GUI) web-based tool written with FoxWeb. It is proposed for rapid application development (RAD) using FoxWeb. In essense, SiteManager it is an internet site that allows to build and support other internet sites located on the same internet server as SiteManager.
SiteManager has modular structure. Each SiteManager module has it's own functionality and could be easily added/removed to/from Sitemanager. Currently SiteManager has following modules:
1) Pages - a module for professional site construction using SiteManager. It is used for low-level construction of pages.
2) Structure - a module where administrator can easily update information and create new pages for already existing site using templates and rules set by a  super-administrator
3) Structure design - a module where the super-administrator can define rules and templates for the "Structure" module
4) Containers - a module for professional site construction using SiteManager. Allows to create "containers" (objects that can hold and display other objects and containers) and items (like banners, products, news, articles and so on as defined by the super-administrator)
5) Groups -  a module where administrator can easily update existing and create new items for already existing site using templates and rules stated by super-administrator
6) Groups design - a module where the super-administrator could define rules and templates for "Groups" module
7) Objects - a module where super-administrator can define and edit types of "items"
8) Filer - an HTML based filer that allows to create, edit, upload, copy move and delete files on server using HTTP protocol (not FTP) also includes web-based HTML editor.
9) Rights - allows the super-administrator to control access to SiteManager
10) Roles - defines front-web access policies (i.e., controls access to sites created with SiteManager). Can be integrated with NT domain user accounts or Active Directory user accounts.
11) User data - allows to edit external FoxPro tables.
12) Users/E-mail - allows e-mail sending using mail-lists. 
13) Statistic - keeps and displays statistics for a given site.
14) Forum - runs a forum (similar to foxweb forum :)
15) Workflow - organizes workflow within SiteManager. ("Publisher" could give "Supplier"  "a task" to do something (create or edit certain "item(s)" and then to control progress of "task" completion)

Also we create customer-specific modules for Sitemanager on their demand if they couldn't find needed functionality in already existing modules.

SiteManager delimitations:
1) Internet server platform: Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000
2) Web server : according to FoxWeb delimitations (but SiteManager was tested only wth IIS 4 and IIS 5)
3) CGI agent: FoxWeb 1.2x or FoxWeb 2.x
4) Server must have Microsoft script 5.5 or Microsoft script 5.6 and MSXML 3.0 or MSXML 4.0 installed.
5) Client browser for running SiteManager - MSIE 5.5 or higher
6) Client browser for running SiteManager sites - any

Here are links to some screenshots of SiteManager: