Date:  12/21/2001 02:13:22 AM Msg ID:  000249
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000240
Subject:  Re: 10061-Could Not Connect to FoxWeb Broker
First of all make sure that you started FoxWeb.  You should be able to see the FoxWeb icon in the system tray (unless it is configured to run as a service).  You should also be able to double-click on the icon and see the status of your channels.  Are they listed as active?

FoxWeb required TCP/IP for communication between its various components.  One possibility is that the changes you made to your networking configuration broke TCP/IP.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Scott McDaniel on 12/19/2001 01:31:48 PM:
I had Foxweb running to the point I could execute the Show_CGI request.  I also ran the Contact example with no trouble.

I had to do some stuff with the IPX/SPX protocol and reboot the server.  After that the same Show_CGI request fails with this message in the browser:  Could Not Connect to FoxWeb Broker (, 55948). Error: 10061

The server Win2K Professional running IIS 5.  Foxweb is not running as a service, but I did stop and restart it.  Didn't change anything.  Then I uninstalled and reinstalled Foxweb and I get the same error.  Any ideas what causes this?