Date:  12/27/2001 02:14:27 PM Msg ID:  000261
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000258
Subject:  Re: url & page mismatch
The Server.Transfer method is just like VFP's DO command, followed by RETURN -- it simply calls another fwx file and exits.  It does not cause a round trip to the browser, so the browser never finds out that a different page was served.  If you want to simply redirect the browser to a different page then you must use the Response.Redirect method.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by mike hood on 12/27/2001 08:36:51 AM:

ill launch a foxweb home page the url points correctly Http://

then from the home page ill open a second page.

the browser loads the second page but the url namespace still reads Http://

then lets say we go to a third page.

the browser loads the third page but now the url namespace reads Http://

so on so forth.

one other feature is if i reload the page in foxweb code; example lets say display an error string at the top of the page or repaint the screen.  the url namespace updates with the current pages url id.  but when u go to the next page it starts to lag behind again.

but if i use the browser refresh button to reload the page it trys to paint the page in the url namespace not the currently loaded page.

how would you suggest sorting that problem?
