Date:  12/27/2001 02:21:13 PM Msg ID:  000262
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000252
Subject:  Re: Displaying images
Your problem is definitely related to the fact that you are using a relative URL (src="logo.gif") and probably to the location of your image files.  Please refer to the Locating and Addressing Your Scripts chapter of the FoxWeb documentation for the correct procedure for referring to static images in your scripts.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Bill Bagley on 12/21/2001 08:08:06 AM:
I have a problem in that my foxweb scripts do not display any of my images.  If I run the web page as html the image displays, but when I run it as an .FWX script the image does not display.  I have placed the image in the same directory as the script and used the following code:

<img src="logo.gif" border="0" align="left" width="90" height="63" alt="">

I need to get a little help solving this problem.

Bill Bagley
Canine Pedigree, Inc.