Date:  01/13/2002 01:23:55 PM Msg ID:  000294
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000293
Subject:  Re: Default web page problem
You can make default.fwx a default start page, but in order for this to work you would have to enable "User Web Server Mappings" and configure your Web server accordingly.  As the FoxWeb documentation explains, this can be a dangerous solution that should only be utilized if you really know what you are doing.

A better solution is to redirect users to your script.  You can do so by either including a META tag in an HTML file, or by configuring IIS to redirect requests automatically.  The second method works a little better, because it does not mess up the users' history list.  Redirection via META tags can prevent users from using their Back button properly.

To configure IIS for redirection open the properties window of the virtual server or Web site that you want to redirect, select the Home Directory tab and enable the "A redirection to a URL" option.  For addition details please refer to the IIS documentation.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Alan Harris-Reid on 01/13/2002 06:53:54 AM:

How can I run a login script (login.fwx) as the default start page for my website?

IIS allows me to designate a default site page, which runs fine if the page is a plain .htm page, but if I designate a .fwx script I get the message "You are not authorized to view this page".

At the moment I see two workarounds to this problem...
1. Point to default.htm as the default page and have the user click on a link to http://mywebsite/scripts/login.fwx.  (Is it possible to have a .htm page call another page without the user having to click on a link?)

2. Have the user enter http://mywebsite/scripts/login.fwx as the browser address.

Neither of these solutions is ideal, I want the user to type in the basic web address and immedately go to the login script. 

Placing Login.fwx in the program root directory does not change anything.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Alan Harris-Reid