Date:  02/05/2002 08:04:05 PM Msg ID:  000328
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000313
Subject:  Re: VFP6 DLL,s and runtime exe
The VFP6 Run-Time DLLs are required in order to run the FoxWeb Control Center, so they are installed by default.  You do not need to install them manually.  The FoxWeb setup program installs them in their default location, which for VFP 6 is the system directory.  Note that starting from VFP 7 the recommended location has changed to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VFP.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Stephen Cox on 02/03/2002 12:49:23 AM:
Hi, where do I place the VFP6 dll's and runtime exe? Also, do I have to register the dll's?  I'm using VFP 7, and I know I need these files for FoxWeb.

thanks- scox