Date:  02/10/2002 11:21:02 AM Msg ID:  000352
From:  John Waite Thread:  000311
Subject:  What am I doing wrong, I wonder ...
Dear Foxweb Support,

I understand the purpose behind this code but I can't make it work.

I wrote a very simple test so I could copy it to you:



USE clients

SELECT * FROM clients WHERE clientnr = 8763 INTO CURSOR crsTest


    <title>Test HTMLEncode</title>


Just testing


<%=STR(clientno)%>            && OK


<%=clientmemo%>    && OK but all together and no line breaks


<%=Response.Write(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(Server.HTMLEncode(clientmemo), CHR(13) + CHR(10), "<BR>", CHR(13), "<BR>", CHR(10), "<BR>")%>



I get the following error message:

Error #:      16
Message:  Unrecognized command verb.
Line #:  29
Line:  =Response.Write(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(Server.HTMLEncode(clientmemo), CHR(13) + CHR(10), "<BR>", CHR(13), "<BR>", CHR(10), "<BR>")

I tried with both <%Response.Write ...%> & <%=Response.Write ...%>, as I wasn't sure which to use, to say nothing of other combinations, but had no luck.

I am doing something very simple and wrong?

The repetition of STRTRAN in your code and the presence of 9 "(" and only 5 ")" seemed rather strange to me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best.

John Waite

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/05/2002 07:42:54 PM:
You need to HTML-Encode the contents of the memo field and then you need to replace carriage return and line feed characters with <BR> tags:

Response.Write(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(Server.HTMLEncode(memo), CHR(13) + CHR(10), '<BR>', CHR(13), '<BR>', CHR(10), '<BR>')

Note that the above code first replaces CRLF combinations and then handles individual CR and LF characters.  This avoids double <BR> tags being added for CRLF combinations, which normally display as a single line break.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by John Waite on 01/31/2002 07:47:53 AM:
Dear Forum,

I cannot find a way to get notes made in a Foxpro memo to display correctly in HTML with line breaks as in the original.


In the Foxpro memo field:

Bestellung 13.5.88. Rückantw. 11/88. Rückantw. 1/89. Rückantw. 3/89 (Anfr.). Rückantw. 10/90. St.Lt Rf rec. & Req.lists sent SP & Lt. JW 05.96 sent 05.97 VS

E-mail reply to SLC 29.6.97; thanks have rec'd lists. VS


This will display fine in a <TEXTAREA> within a form, but if I wish to display it as simple output e.g.

<TD BGCOLOR="#F5F5F5"><%=memofield%></TD>

The breaks are ignored and I get:


Bestellung 13.5.88. Rückantw. 11/88. Rückantw. 1/89. Rückantw. 3/89 (Anfr.). Rückantw. 10/90. St.Lt Rf rec. & Req.lists sent SP & Lt. JW 05.96. sent 05.97 VSE-mail reply to SLC 29.6.97; thanks have rec'd lists. VS


If I use <PRE>, e.g.

<TD BGCOLOR="#F5F5F5"><PRE><%=memofield%></PRE></TD>

the lines shoot off for miles to the right and I am unable to get them to wrap.

Well, I hope you understand!

Any help much appreciated.

Best wishes to all forum users.
