Date:  02/11/2002 07:07:34 AM Msg ID:  000365
From:  John Waite Thread:  000311
Subject:  Thank you very much indeed!
Dear Foxweb Support,

This works a treat. Thank you very much indeed for your help. I've been trying to solve this one for years and feel very much like Archimedes must have felt when he staggered from his bath shouting "Eureka".

All the best.

John Waite

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/10/2002 07:26:25 PM:
You do not need to include Response.Write if you use the equal sign.  The code <%=TIME()%> is equivalent to <%Response.Write(TIME())%>.  You were right about the parentheses -- the original code was missing a few.  Here's a corrected version of the code, using the equal sign method:

<%=STRTRAN(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(Server.HTMLEncode(clientmemo), CHR(13) + CHR(10), "<BR>"), CHR(13), "<BR>"), CHR(10), "<BR>")%>

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by John Waite on 02/10/2002 11:21:02 AM:
Dear Foxweb Support,

I understand the purpose behind this code but I can't make it work.

I wrote a very simple test so I could copy it to you:



USE clients

SELECT * FROM clients WHERE clientnr = 8763 INTO CURSOR crsTest


    <title>Test HTMLEncode</title>


Just testing


<%=STR(clientno)%>            && OK


<%=clientmemo%>    && OK but all together and no line breaks


<%=Response.Write(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(Server.HTMLEncode(clientmemo), CHR(13) + CHR(10), "<BR>", CHR(13), "<BR>", CHR(10), "<BR>")%>



I get the following error message:

Error #:      16
Message:  Unrecognized command verb.
Line #:  29
Line:  =Response.Write(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(Server.HTMLEncode(clientmemo), CHR(13) + CHR(10), "<BR>", CHR(13), "<BR>", CHR(10), "<BR>")

I tried with both <%Response.Write ...%> & <%=Response.Write ...%>, as I wasn't sure which to use, to say nothing of other combinations, but had no luck.

I am doing something very simple and wrong?

The repetition of STRTRAN in your code and the presence of 9 "(" and only 5 ")" seemed rather strange to me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best.

John Waite

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/05/2002 07:42:54 PM:
You need to HTML-Encode the contents of the memo field and then you need to replace carriage return and line feed characters with <BR> tags:

Response.Write(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(Server.HTMLEncode(memo), CHR(13) + CHR(10), '<BR>', CHR(13), '<BR>', CHR(10), '<BR>')

Note that the above code first replaces CRLF combinations and then handles individual CR and LF characters.  This avoids double <BR> tags being added for CRLF combinations, which normally display as a single line break.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by John Waite on 01/31/2002 07:47:53 AM:
Dear Forum,

I cannot find a way to get notes made in a Foxpro memo to display correctly in HTML with line breaks as in the original.


In the Foxpro memo field:

Bestellung 13.5.88. Rückantw. 11/88. Rückantw. 1/89. Rückantw. 3/89 (Anfr.). Rückantw. 10/90. St.Lt Rf rec. & Req.lists sent SP & Lt. JW 05.96 sent 05.97 VS

E-mail reply to SLC 29.6.97; thanks have rec'd lists. VS


This will display fine in a <TEXTAREA> within a form, but if I wish to display it as simple output e.g.

<TD BGCOLOR="#F5F5F5"><%=memofield%></TD>

The breaks are ignored and I get:


Bestellung 13.5.88. Rückantw. 11/88. Rückantw. 1/89. Rückantw. 3/89 (Anfr.). Rückantw. 10/90. St.Lt Rf rec. & Req.lists sent SP & Lt. JW 05.96. sent 05.97 VSE-mail reply to SLC 29.6.97; thanks have rec'd lists. VS


If I use <PRE>, e.g.

<TD BGCOLOR="#F5F5F5"><PRE><%=memofield%></PRE></TD>

the lines shoot off for miles to the right and I am unable to get them to wrap.

Well, I hope you understand!

Any help much appreciated.

Best wishes to all forum users.
