Date:  02/17/2002 11:46:40 AM Msg ID:  000375
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000374
Subject:  Re: Just starting ....
In order to call FoxWeb requests on host names other than localhost you must add an entry for each host name in the virtual servers grid of the FoxWeb Control Center.  For more details please refer to the FoxWeb Configuration page in the documentation.

The URL you are trying to use is incorrect, unless you installed foxweb.exe in your Web root.  Try using http://localhost/scripts/foxweb.dll/show_cgi, or simply http://localhost/show_cgi.fwx.  The FoxWeb readme file has enough information to get you started.  If you need additional details on how to configure your Web server and how to form your URLs please refer to the following chapters in the FoxWeb documentation:
- Configuring your Web Server
- Locating and Addressing Scripts

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Don Dascher on 02/17/2002 10:41:49 AM:
Downloaded PWS and installed.  Downloaded Foxweb and installed.
Got message about "No virtual servers ... will only accept requests to Localhost."  That is ok for now.

Typed in http://localhost/foxweb.exe/show_cgi

but browser could not find it.

Any quick tips ?