Date:  02/26/2002 08:19:22 PM Msg ID:  000405
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000404
Subject:  Re: Displaying a Jpeg
The problem is most probably related to one of two factors:

1. The path you are using in the SRC clause of the IMG tag is incorrect.
In most cases you must use absolute URLs to point to files in your Web tree.

2. The location where you have saved your images is incorrect.
Make sure to include all static files in the Web Tree -- not the FoxWeb Program Tree.

Please refer to the Locating and Addressing Scripts topic of the FoxWeb documentation for detailed instructions on how to include links to static files in HTML output generated by your scripts.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Dan Burnham on 02/25/2002 10:05:35 PM:
I'm setting up our logo using the <img> format in html.  In the html editior, "HotDog Pro"  everything looks fine.  When I run it under the browser, the image will not display?  Any suggestions?