Date:  02/26/2002 08:27:19 PM Msg ID:  000406
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000398
Subject:  Re: Configuring Script Mapping
This problem may require some phone-based troubleshooting.  Please email us a phone number where you can be reached, so that we may contact you.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Don Dascher on 02/25/2002 07:24:43 PM:
I did as you suggested ... Only this time I tested things with  ....




The first one worked fine and second one resulted in this error message..

The page cannot be displayed

There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it
cannot be displayed.

Any ideas ?

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/25/2002 10:56:32 AM:
Actually for PWS on Win98 you should set the value to:

You will need to re-start your server in order for the change to take effect.  If this doesn't work, please post the exact wording of the error message you are getting.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Don Dascher on 02/24/2002 10:32:11 AM:
I am running Foxweb 2.1 on my WIN98 machine using PWS.
I have been successful at setting up Foxweb so that I can execute in this manner ... http://localhost/scripts/foxweb.exe/finances/mainmenu.fwx

I would like to operate with script mapping instead. 
I went into the registry and found a script map entry (as per the foxweb documentation) that looked like this ...

.fwx     c:\inetpub\scripts\foxweb.dll,1,PUT,DELETE

I changed it to this ...

.fwx     c:\inetpub\scripts\foxweb.dll,1,GET,HEAD,POST

Rebooted and tried to execute this ....


but it didn't work.

Missing something ?