Date:  03/04/2002 07:59:10 PM Msg ID:  000414
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000411
Subject:  Re: Netscape unable to execute foxweb
We have seen this problem in cases where the script specifies the wrong mime type (or no mime type at all).  You should make sure that you are specifying the correct mime type in the CGI header of your program:

html_out = "content-type: text/html" + CHR(10) + CHR(10) + ... the rest of your output.

Obviously, this problem can only affect FoxWeb 1.2 scripts.  FoxWeb 2.0 automatically specifies "text/html", unless you explicitly specify a different mime type.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Lew En Lai on 03/04/2002 03:16:28 AM:
I have currently installed foxweb 1.29c with VFP 6.0 running on IIS 4.0 and it is working fine.

We have tested with a few common browsers to access the site and
in executing foxweb, I.E 5.0 was flawless but Netscape 4.5, Netscape 6  and Opera 5.1 failed to execute foxweb and kept on prompting
user to save file. I have checked on the foxweb site on the FAQ and a similar
problem was mentioned and I have checked through what was stated.
The problem still occurs. Do I need to do something on the browser or anything else that I should look out for on the server. For your info, the site was developed with Frontpage 98. Your help on this matter is most appreciated.
