Date:  03/06/2002 05:23:47 PM Msg ID:  000417
From:  Alan Harris-Reid Thread:  000417
Subject:  Only one connection!
When one user accesses my Foxweb-based website there is no problem.  When a second user tries to access the site - he/she is denied and receives the 'web page is not available' message.  I have checked the site properties in IIS4 and it is set for 'Unlimited connections'.

Any ideas how I can solve this (embarrassing) problem?

While I sort this problem out, I want to ensure that when user #1 closes all browser windows which were displaying pages from the site, the site is immediately available to another user.  It appears that when all browser windows are closed, the site is not available to others until the inactivity timeout kicks-in.  Any way round this?  (Of course, if the 1st problem above is solved, then the 2nd problem is irrelevant.)

Alan Harris-Reid