Date:  03/07/2002 07:34:47 PM Msg ID:  000422
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000417
Subject:  Re: Only one connection!
This is certainly not a FoxWeb error.  It is probably caused by IE, or Windows networking.  A search in the MS Knowledge Base yielded a number of leads, including the following:;en-us;Q175722;en-us;Q293402

The search actually yielded 16 hits, so you may want to search the knowledge base yourself:

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Alan Harris-Reid on 03/07/2002 05:10:24 PM:

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 03/06/2002 07:00:10 PM:
What's the exact error message you are receiving?  Is it actually 'web page is not available'?

The actual IE error page starts...

"The page cannot be displayed

The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.


Please try the following:... " and so on

Any ideas would be welcome.

Alan Harris-Reid