Date:  03/15/2002 06:41:18 PM Msg ID:  000445
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000443
Subject:  Re: Foxweb channels
Multiple requests that arrive simulteneously can be served by a single channel, but they will not actually be executed simultaneously.  Instead they will get queued until the FoxWeb Channel Broker assigns them to a free channel.  Each channel can only serve a single request at a time.

Statement #2 simply tries to explain that you do not need to run the same number of channels as the maximum number of requests that you will ever receive at a time.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Gia Luc on 03/15/2002 08:00:49 AM:
I'm a bit confused by the Foxweb documentation regarding channels.  The documentation says :

1) A Foxweb channel is actually nother instance of the VFP portion of Foxweb.

2) Every user request starts a new foxweb.exe process.

3) Multiple simultaneous requests can be served by a single channel.

a) I must be missing something because (3) seems to contradict (2) ?

b) If simultaneous requests are served by a single channel, doesn't this cause possible conflicts ?  For example, if for one request, a channel executes :


and the _same_ channel _simultaneous_ executes ( for another request ) :


Won't this clash with the first request, which will then use the 'upward' tag rather than the 'downward' tag ?