Date:  03/21/2002 05:46:26 PM Msg ID:  000475
From:  Joe Goldsmith Thread:  000457
Subject:  Re: Pdf Files
You also might want to check out if you don't know about it.

Sent by Joseph Zitzelberger on 03/21/2002 03:15:03 PM:

Thanks for the tip.

I tried this with no luck.  It works fine in VFP but not in FW.  I have not been able to supress the printing dialog window and I think that is what is causing the problem.  I'm not sure how wconnect deals with this.

Found a work around for now, created all the pdf's as static files (not my prefered solution).  I will work on this as I get more time.


Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 03/20/2002 11:06:48 PM:
Check out wwPDF class from I have not used it yet but give it a try and let me know please. The application is free.


Sent by Joseph Zitzelberger on 03/20/2002 08:57:01 AM:

Any ideas on how to generate and return pdf's from FoxWeb using Adobe PDFWriter or Distiller?
