Date:  03/27/2002 03:49:14 PM Msg ID:  000501
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000496
Subject:  Re: foxweb timeout message

Based on direct email messages that you sent us it seems that FoxWeb is unable to find some of its internal variables after your script exits.  This leads me to believe that you are using a command that releases variables, such as CLEAR ALL, RELEASE, etc..  Please refer to the Illegal Commands page in the FoxWeb documentation.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by ying on 03/26/2002 03:12:25 PM:
i upgraded foxweb 1.2 into 2.11 version under windows NT4.0 server. but when i run fwx file, i got foxweb timeout message. by setting response.buffer false, i can see that actually i got all i needed but foxweb is still running after it reaches the end of the program. and then i got the timeout message. is it something hidden that i didn't configure right?

any idea will be highly appreciate!
