Date:  03/27/2002 04:00:07 PM Msg ID:  000502
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000500
Subject:  Re: setup with apache ?
The FoxWeb documentation includes a section devoted to Apache in the Configuring your Web Server page.  Basically the only difference is that the default CGI directory for this server is called cgi-bin.  You can find its location in the httpd.conf file, for example:

        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Apache/cgi-bin/"
        <Directory "C:/Apache/cgi-bin">
                AllowOverride None
                Options None
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

In the above case the location is c:\apache\cgi-bin.  This is the location that you must specify when asked for the CGI location during installation of FoxWeb.  If you have already installed FoxWeb, you can simply move the files foxweb.exe and foxweb.dll to that location.

Assuming that you use the default cgi-bin directory, you will be able to call show_cgi with the following URL: "http://localhost/cgi-bin/foxweb.exe/show_cgi.fwx".  Our documentation also explains how you can configure script mapping, which will allow you to use "http://localhost/show_cgi.fwx".

You do not need to move the FoxWeb Program Root from its default location.  FoxWeb scripts should all be placed in there, regardless of where your Web tree is located.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Markus Schwartz on 03/27/2002 10:34:50 AM:
i want to know how to make a correct setup of FoxWeb with apache ?
In the first step, i only want to develop an aplication on my home pc named as localhost!
If i want C:\apache\scripts\ to be my directory for my fwx-scripts, must i edit
the httpd.conf file ? Must i edit  the php.ini file or any other file ? What are the correct settings for the FoxWeb Control Center ? Is it neccesary to copy my c:\Programme\Foxweb\Programs\... directory structure to the webroot-dir. ?

I must admit that i'm a little bit despaired after trying many different possiblities over hours and studying the FoxWeb Documentation again and again, but all i get if i try the example on the ReadMe-File "http://localhost/scripts/foxweb.exe/show_cgi" is a 404-Error, file not found. It can't be so difficult - I know - to define this pointers ! If you can  help me with my installation problems, i will be very thankfull, cause all i want to do is starting programming. BTW i've also studied your SETUP-PROBLEMS-forum, but unfortunately it did not take me really further in solving my problem.

I'm really looking for your answer - thanks - and bye !