Date:  04/05/2002 09:26:32 AM Msg ID:  000532
From:  Joël Croquet Thread:  000528
Subject:  Re: password hash
To make the hash, I use a DLL found on (this site is Russian-speaking, I only understand the links ;-)
The link to download the file doesn't work, but I've sent the file to
This DLL was made  by Francisco Carlos Piragibe de Almeida based on MD5 algorithm and can be found on
The MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm) is fully documented in RFC 1321 :
Another hash algorithm is SHA :
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 04/04/2002 06:27:45 PM:
Currently FoxWeb does not support this feature, but we would be interested in adding it.
We would probably not allow users to use their own hashing algorithm, but we would include our own function in the software.  Please provide us with additional information on the library you have.  Is this free code?  If not, can it be purchased?

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Joël Croquet on 04/04/2002 01:06:28 AM:
I would like to store the hash value (e.g. using MD5) in the passfile.dbf instead of the real password, for security reasons.
I've a library to compute the hash, but is there a way to tell foxweb to use it during the authenticate process ?