Date:  04/08/2002 03:56:45 AM Msg ID:  000538
From:  John Potter Thread:  000515
Subject:  Re: Problem with spaces between words
I solved the problem of only the first word in a 100 char string of many words separated by spaces showing up in an input type="text" field.
Take this string for example: "Graduate Study Abroad"
Here's what didn't work:
<input type="text" name="topic" size="100" value=<%=alltrim(TABLE.verbose)%></td>
Only "Graduate" shows up.
Here's what did work:
<input type="text" name="topic" size="100" value=<%='"'+alltrim(TABLE.verbose)+'"'%></td>
Yes!  "Graduate Study Abroad" shows up.
Quote marks. It was the old quote marks thang once again.
John Potter
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 04/02/2002 03:56:34 PM:
One way to find out what is sent by FoxWeb is to do a "view source" on your browser.  Obviously if your value includes reserved characters such as < and > you should HTMLEncode it with FoxWeb's Server.HTMLEncode method.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by John Potter on 04/02/2002 11:01:08 AM:
That's certainly a help but isn't the best solution. Why does only the first word of the verbose field's value shows up with stub 1. Should I urldecode
or something?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 04/01/2002 07:38:48 PM:
With newer browsers you can control the width and font of a textarea by using CSS.  You can also control wrapping by including the wrap clause (soft/hard):
<textarea cols="100" rows="1" name="topic" wrap="soft"
style="width: 300px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">
FoxWeb Support Team
Sent by John Potter on 03/31/2002 01:29:49 PM:
Hello again,
The currently selected record of a dbf file has a length-100 character field named "verbose". It's content is "Certificate Aviation Safety Security "
stub 1
<input type="text" name="topic" size="100" value=<%=verbose%>>
With stub 1 only "Certificate" shows up.
stub 2
<textarea cols="100" rows="1" name="topic"><%=verbose%></textarea>
With stub 2 "Certificate Aviation Safety Security" shows up
textarea is inappropriate--length can exceed 100, no control of font...
Help will again be greatly appreciated.
John Potter