Date:  04/08/2002 08:08:59 PM Msg ID:  000541
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000515
Subject:  Re: Problem with spaces between words
Actually both your examples are missing the closing bracket for the input tag.  The following code adds the bracket and moves the quotes outside the dymnamic code, making the script easier to read:
<input type="text" name="topic" size="100"

FoxWeb Support Team


Sent by John Potter on 04/08/2002 03:56:45 AM:
I solved the problem of only the first word in a 100 char string of many words separated by spaces showing up in an input type="text" field.
Take this string for example: "Graduate Study Abroad"
Here's what didn't work:
<input type="text" name="topic" size="100" value=<%=alltrim(TABLE.verbose)%></td>
Only "Graduate" shows up.
Here's what did work:
<input type="text" name="topic" size="100" value=<%='"'+alltrim(TABLE.verbose)+'"'%></td>
Yes!  "Graduate Study Abroad" shows up.
Quote marks. It was the old quote marks thang once again.
John Potter
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 04/02/2002 03:56:34 PM:
One way to find out what is sent by FoxWeb is to do a "view source" on your browser.  Obviously if your value includes reserved characters such as < and > you should HTMLEncode it with FoxWeb's Server.HTMLEncode method.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by John Potter on 04/02/2002 11:01:08 AM:
That's certainly a help but isn't the best solution. Why does only the first word of the verbose field's value shows up with stub 1. Should I urldecode
or something?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 04/01/2002 07:38:48 PM:
With newer browsers you can control the width and font of a textarea by using CSS.  You can also control wrapping by including the wrap clause (soft/hard):
<textarea cols="100" rows="1" name="topic" wrap="soft"
style="width: 300px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">
FoxWeb Support Team
Sent by John Potter on 03/31/2002 01:29:49 PM:
Hello again,
The currently selected record of a dbf file has a length-100 character field named "verbose". It's content is "Certificate Aviation Safety Security "
stub 1
<input type="text" name="topic" size="100" value=<%=verbose%>>
With stub 1 only "Certificate" shows up.
stub 2
<textarea cols="100" rows="1" name="topic"><%=verbose%></textarea>
With stub 2 "Certificate Aviation Safety Security" shows up
textarea is inappropriate--length can exceed 100, no control of font...
Help will again be greatly appreciated.
John Potter