Date:  04/12/2002 08:27:48 PM Msg ID:  000555
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000552
Subject:  Re: print
You can use the Adobe Acrobat print driver to convert the output of your report to a PDF file, which you can send to the browser for viewing/printing.  For more information you should check out Adobe's Web site.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by angelin on 04/11/2002 11:26:08 PM:
We print the report use code as below: report form &reportname to print prompt noconsole and preview the report use code as below: report form &reportname preview in VFP.
 What I most want to know is how can I do these in foxweb.£šat the same time I hope continue to use my report£©.
Thanks for your help.