Date:  04/19/2002 02:32:28 PM Msg ID:  000579
From:  Gary Thread:  000577
Subject:  Re: Accessing remote data
For anyone interested, it turned out to be how the shared folder was defined. This was a win98 system, and the share had a password for full access. If I take the password off, or change it to match the FoxWeb service account password, it runs as expected.
Sent by Gary on 04/19/2002 06:34:57 AM:
Server: Win2000/IIS5
FoxWeb: 2.0
I am trying to access data on a different server. Foxweb is running as a service (under Administrator logon). When I try to open a dbf on the other server with "Use \\servername\sharename\data\filename.dbf" I get the following error:
Error #:      108
Message: File is in use by another user.
No other programs have this file open.
I have a program on the server that will browse VFP tables (written in VFP6), it has no problems browsing to the same file and opening it (using the UNC path).