Date:  05/03/2002 02:16:00 PM Msg ID:  000608
From:  Justin Thread:  000608
Subject:  FYI on Apache

If anybody wants to know i have figured out how to get the scriptmapping to work under apache 2.0

If your like me and sick of tyring to keep up with all the patches for IIS 4.0 or 5.0 here is how i did it

first you need to create an directory alias

Alias /empro/ "D:/WEB/HTTP/TEST/EMPRO_SCRIPTS/intranet/"

      this is where i stick all my Foxweb scripts

      then i created a script alias for the same name

ScriptAlias /empro/ "D:/WEB/HTTP/TEST/EMPRO_SCRIPTS/intranet/"

      then setup the directory security for Apache as below

<directory "D:/WEB/HTTP/TEST/EMPRO_SCRIPTS/intranet/">
Options ExecCGI
DirectoryIndex default.htm
AllowOverride None

AddHandler isapi-isa dll

     this mapps any .dll file to the mod_isapi so it can be run by Apache 

AddType application/foxweb-script .fwx 

    this mapps the .fwx file extension to application/foxweb-script referre to mod_mime for more information

Action application/foxweb-script /empro/foxweb.dll/

this command tells Apache where and what to use to excute Foxweb scripts referre to mod_actions



If i have read the apache help correctly this only effects the directory empro and all child directories  to put this at the root of the web server just put the above commands where the root directory is setup