Date:  05/07/2002 01:21:37 AM Msg ID:  000612
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000611
Subject:  Re: File Access Denied
If you are running FoxWeb as a service, then the problem is probably related to the user that the FoxWeb service is running as.  By default the service is configured to run as the SYSTEM account, which does not have access to remote servers.  In order to access files on a different server, you must configure the service to run as an account that has access to that resource.  For details please refer to the Operating the FoxWeb Server
page in the FoxWeb documentation.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Pedro Oropeza on 05/06/2002 03:02:06 PM:
Server: WinNT/IIS
FoxWeb: 1.2
I am trying to access data on a different server. Foxweb is running as a service (under Administrator logon). When I try to open a dbf on the other server with "Use \\server\sys\data\filename.dbf" I get the following error:
Error #:      1705
Message: File Access Denied.
No other programs have this file open.
I have a program on the server that will browse VFP tables (written in VFP6), it has no problems browsing to the same file and opening it (using the UNC path).