Date:  05/20/2002 12:16:52 AM Msg ID:  000639
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000638
Subject:  Re: No Response 2.11 and IIS on Windows 2000
The problem is exactly what the error message is saying: you are using the wrong server name.  The correct server name to access the local computer is "localhost", not "www.localhost". The first thing you need to set up is your Web server.  Once you have determined that you can access static files on the server, you can start trying to call FoxWeb scripts.

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Denis Huggins on 05/19/2002 08:07:04 PM:
I get no response when setting up FoxWeb 2.11 with IIS on Windows 2000 Workstation.
I set internet explorer to default to: http://www.localhost/webshare/wwwroot/cgi-bin/foxweb.exe/menu? which is the first (fxp) program accessed after FW_Enter.
Internet explorer gives the messages: "The page cannot be displayed..."
and the task bar message is:"Cannot find server - Microsoft Internet Explorer"
I setup Foxweb 2.11 recently to try to run older code which runs with foxweb 1.29 under Windows 95 and PWS.
Foxweb appears to setup correctly.  I initialized two channels.  I deactivated "system service" and set the channel icons to appear on the task bar.  I see both channels.  If is "show status", both channels appear as "waiting."  The server appears as "" which I expect is a "localhost." 
If I check the foxweb log, I can see the channels have been started and stopped numberous times as I've tested them.
I followed both instructions with respect to the 1.29 problems with Windows 2000.  I changed the IUSR and IWAM accounts to groups (administrators as a test) with write priviledges to the registry.  If I did it correctly, I also tried the technique of direct-registry edit.
I've tried setting the localhost as a virtual server when all else failed.  This also had no result.
I've even tried to access my programs directly in the \webshare\wwwroot\cgi-bin directory where the foxweb programs reside. And only a blank channel window appears.  No cgi response or even cgi-error messages are returned.
Lastly, a check of the log shows no activity on any channel.
I'm perplexed.