Date:  05/24/2002 05:49:27 PM Msg ID:  000668
From:  Ron Stahl Thread:  000656
Subject:  Re: Re: Getting Fatal Error in Foxweb
According to the fwstart.log this started happening on 05/16/2002 and except for today ( 05/24/2002 ) it has happend at least once a day.  We have not notice any unusual activity on the server and even though we are getting this error Foxweb keep on responding to request.  One thing you can not do is view the active channels; it gives you no active channels available...

Ron Stahl

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/24/2002 04:30:05 PM:
Is this an isolated incident, or does it occur often?  We have seen this error in conjunction with re-booting or otherwise stopping the FoxWeb service at the exact same moment that a request is completed.  Do you have any indication of any unusual activity on the server at the time of the error message(s)?

FoxWeb Support Team

Sent by Ron Stahl on 05/23/2002 03:44:48 PM:
Was just look at the fwstart.log and am getting the following error.
05/21/2002 14:21:59 A fatal Error has occurred:
                    Err. Number: 1440
                    Message: OLE exception error: Exception code c0000005. OLE object may be corrupt
                    Program: WWW_READ.FXP
                    Line Number: 68
                    Line: <??>
                    FoxWeb will now exit
                    If this error persists contact customer support
Any Ideas...

Ron Stahl