Date:  05/28/2002 11:39:10 PM Msg ID:  000676
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000673
Subject:  Re: No Channels Active
This message means that for some reason all available channels have been deactivated (or were never initiated to begin with).  Here's how you should troubleshoot the problem:
Normally FoxWeb restarts channels after they have been busy for longer than the Script Timeout setting (configurable in the FoxWeb Control Center).  However, if the Restart Channels setting is disabled, or if you hang all the channels and then make another call before FoxWeb has had a chance to restart them, you will get the "No Channels Active" error.  I recommend that you use the troubleshooting techniques described in the FoxWeb documentation to isolate the problem code.
FoxWeb Support Team
Sent by Marc Herrmann on 05/28/2002 09:02:58 AM:
Hi ..
why i get this massage when i started a script....

FoxWeb Message

The FoxWeb Service has returned the following message:

No Channels Active


thanks for help


vfp6, win 2000, Foxweb 2.11, PWP