Date:  06/06/2002 12:28:30 AM Msg ID:  000686
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000684
Subject:  Re: Foxweb to ASP
We have performed several conversions back and forth between FoxWeb and ASP and in most cases the brunt of the work is not the language conversion, but the differences in the way FoxWeb and ASP interact with data.  Obviously VFP and VBScript (or JavaScript), which are typically used in Active Server Pages are different, but it is relatively easy to convert from one language to the other.  Moreover, FoxWeb emulates ASP's object model, so you will not need to make that many changes if you use FoxWeb 2 fwx scripts.
The situation changes when you try to convert VFP's data access paradigm to ADO, which is significantly different.  If you are knowledgeable in both environments, then the job is not too hard -- just time-consuming, but it can take FoxPro programmers a little while to get familiar with ADO.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Ron Stahl on 06/04/2002 08:33:09 PM:
I am posting this to see if any one has gone through this and to get any tips, if any, on what to watch out for.  I have a customer that is currently using foxweb ( which has been working great ) that has hired a "Web" consultant to recomend what the next step for their site should be and as expected he recomended ASP or ASP.NET only because it is a "standard" in the industry.  So, now faced with a conversion I would like to know if any one has done this and what changes where they faced with and approximate time to expect it to take on an average page having an avarage knowledge of ASP and ASP.NET.
Thanks for anything...

Ron Stahl