Date:  06/20/2002 04:15:05 PM Msg ID:  000723
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000720
Subject:  Re: No program root has been configured
In order to call FoxWeb scripts, you must enter all possible host names in the Virtual Hosts grid of the FoxWeb Control Center.  Actually, localhost is an exception -- if it is not entered in the grid, then FoxWeb automatically uses the default program root.  Are you sure you are getting this message in response to a request to localhost?
In any case, you can try entering localhost (or whatever host name you are using) in the grid, which should eliminate the error.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 06/19/2002 10:45:36 PM:

New problem. It all works well on my WIN XP development machine but when I transfer the files to my NT web server I get the following error message:

"No program root has been configured for domain ...."

I am calling the FWX from an HTM file using:


My FWX files are in c:\program files\foxweb\programs\pbs

The Foxweb server is set up as:

Virtual Server:

> Server name: localhost

> IP-Address:

> Program default: {default}


What am I doing wrong?

