Date:  06/28/2002 11:08:46 AM Msg ID:  000735
From:  silencieux Thread:  000735
Subject:  Upload file become damge?

I see the question had been posted here before, but I didn't get the answer. Please see ¡§Upload file¡¨ posted by Harriet 02/03/2002. I saw Foxweb Support Team said ¡§The FoxWeb 1.29c upload functionality has had problems with the Chinese version of Windows in the past ¡§. Unfortunately, I encounter the same problem as Harriet, My computer works on NT 4.0 SP6 (Chinese version) + IIS 4.0 + Foxweb 1.29c and I use IE 5.0 to upload file.


At first, I tried to solve the problem as possible as I can, but the problem couldn¡¦t be solved. I only got common results. It happened when the contents of upload file has hex codes 00h, upload file will be irregularly converted some of them to hex code 5Ch+3Ch (¡§\0¡¨). If it doesn¡¦t have the particular codes, the problems won¡¦t happen! as result, the broken upload file will increased, because the contents of upload file had been converted.


Finally, I hope that if anyone has solved the problem, please tell me the answer, or if anyone wants me to send you a copy of the original and the damaged files via email, please also tell me.

