Date:  07/17/2002 11:52:57 AM Msg ID:  000757
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000753
Subject:  Re: TextBox not working
The default value for a TEXTAREA tag needs to go between the start and end tags -- not in the value clause:
<TEXTAREA name="notes" rows=5 cols=40 WRAP="VIRTUAL">

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 07/15/2002 09:15:21 PM:
Ok, o'wizard, how about this one! I open the view and set view fields to M.field (or m.notes). The the submit button is pressed I read in the values of the form field as:
m.notes = request.form('notes')
Then I UPDATE the view with UPDATE vSellers SET..... with notes=m.notes.
I have the following code for a textbox:
<TEXTAREA name="notes" rows=5 cols=40 WRAP="VIRTUAL" VALUE="<%=ALLTRIM(M.notes)%>"></TEXTAREA>
While other controls read in and save data as expected, the text box does not. What's wrong with the code please?
