Date:  07/18/2002 09:59:57 PM Msg ID:  000758
From:  Joe Goldsmith Thread:  000753
Subject:  Re: TextBox not working
A perfectly useful, yet not for public consumption, word comes to mind to describe myself at this point. Everyone can use his or her own imagination at this point.
Thanks for the support, Team FoxWeb.


Sent by FoxWeb Support on 07/17/2002 11:52:57 AM:
The default value for a TEXTAREA tag needs to go between the start and end tags -- not in the value clause:
<TEXTAREA name="notes" rows=5 cols=40 WRAP="VIRTUAL">

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 07/15/2002 09:15:21 PM:
Ok, o'wizard, how about this one! I open the view and set view fields to M.field (or m.notes). The the submit button is pressed I read in the values of the form field as:
m.notes = request.form('notes')
Then I UPDATE the view with UPDATE vSellers SET..... with notes=m.notes.
I have the following code for a textbox:
<TEXTAREA name="notes" rows=5 cols=40 WRAP="VIRTUAL" VALUE="<%=ALLTRIM(M.notes)%>"></TEXTAREA>
While other controls read in and save data as expected, the text box does not. What's wrong with the code please?
