Date:  08/04/2002 08:52:34 PM Msg ID:  000797
From:  Joe Goldsmith Thread:  000797
Subject:  Auth Timeout
At the top of each page in private areas I have the following code:
* Force the user to log in
AuthMessage = ""
Auth.AuthTable = "data/buyers.dbf"
Auth.MaxLoginAttempts = 3
Auth.Header = [<center><FONT COLOR="#000000"><h3>This is a Private Area.<br>Please enter your User ID and Password.</h3>Cookies must be enabled to<BR>enter this private area.</FONT></center><br>]
Auth.Footer = [<br><center><table border=0><tr><td>Your <a href="privacy.fwx">privacy</a> is protected under pledge.</td></tr></table></center>]
Auth.SaveCookie = 1
After I log in using the FoxWeb authenicate routine and sit on a page for a few minutes, and then access another page (with the above code at the top of the page) I again get the log in page. If I go right away to another page I do not get the log in page again. Is there some authenicate login timeout switch somewhere I need to change?
