Date:  08/15/2002 02:52:20 PM Msg ID:  000818
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000812
Subject:  Re: Frames - top frame is not showing up.
Are you saying that for about 1/2 second you see the actual page with the expected content from FoxWeb, and the the frame gets repainted with the "page cannot be displayed" message?  This really does not make any sense to me, unless you have code that forces the page to re-direct to another URL.  When you right-click within the frame in question and select Properties, you should be able to see the address (URL) being displayed.  Is this the expected URL?  Try pasting this URL in the browser's Location box and calling it manually.
FoxWeb does not automatically place a <!DOCTYPE...> tag in script output -- it only automatically sends certain HTTP headers.  It is the script's responsibillity to return this tag.
I am not sure if it is illegal to have script tags before the <HEAD> tag, but I doubt this would be causing the problem.  Is there a reason why you want to execute JavaScript code before the <HEAD> tag?

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Kevin on 08/14/2002 04:59:18 PM:
No, the page shows up fine for 1/2 second and then goes right to the generic IE message saying "page cannot be displayed." I'm sure it's on our end somewhere. Stange thing is, there are no errors in FoxWeb or Apache when it happens. We are NATing all the IP's on our Cisco T1 router so that may have something to do with it. I'll mess with the DNS record and see if that does anything. We definitely need the new version of Bind so that we can deal with inside and outside DNS.
Another thing may be the fact that I am not entering the <!DOCTYPE...> tag, but I assumed FoxWeb adds that automatically.
Or could it be where I am placing my <script> tags. I am putting them before the head tag:
<script language="JavaScript">
Or does that matter?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 08/14/2002 11:46:59 AM:
Is there any additional information to the "page cannot be displayed" message, such as a title, or an error number?