Date:  09/03/2002 08:33:52 PM Msg ID:  000859
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000848
Subject:  Re: OLE Automation
First of all you need to determine whether the file is corrupted or not.  Try opening it in Excel first.  Also, try manually copying a file to the disk and see if you can open it.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Fox JW on 08/30/2002 01:13:12 PM:
I have loaded a copy of Excel 2000 and it has started within Foxweb. Problem solved!
But I have another problem. After copied the XLS file into the server, I use Excel.application to open the file and Foxweb prompted error message "Unable to read file" at the following line :
loExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
I used WriteFile() to copy the XLS file over to the web server before using Excel.application. The file seems to be corrupted.
I really need some help on this part of the program as I'm new using OLE with FoxWeb.
Thanks & Regards
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 08/30/2002 11:50:31 AM:
I believe you do.  The Excel.application component is actually Excel itself, so there's no way to load it if it does not exist on the server.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Fox JW on 08/29/2002 09:04:42 PM:
I got this error message :
"Class definition EXCEL.APPLICATION is not found."
at this line of my program :
loExcel = CREATEOBJECT("Excel.application")
Do I have to install a copy of the Excel into the webserver where FoxWeb is installed?

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 08/29/2002 12:22:11 PM:
FoxWeb scripts are hosted by the native VFP engine, so you have all of VFP's capabilities, including the ability to open Excel sheets.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Fox JW on 08/29/2002 10:26:36 AM:
I need to let users to extract data from multiple worksheets into a dbf and display the data in the browser. Can I use OLE MS-Excel through FoxWeb? Any tips?